Show Reports

These reports have been compiled in the main by Sandy Leven, with some input from others, notably Stan da Prato.

We must thank Sandy and Stan and the other members who have helped in creating this permanent record of past Shows.

Click on a link below to open the relevant page or a file:
Early Bulb Show (Dunblane)24 Feb25 FebCancCanc22 Feb16 Feb17 Feb18 Feb20 Feb21 Feb15 Feb16 Feb18 Feb
Kendal (joint AGS)16 Mar18 Mar19 MarCanc14 Mar
16 Mar17 Mar18 Mar12 Mar14 Mar15 Mar16 Mar17 Mar12 Mar13 Mar14 Mar
Stirling (at various locations)No ShowNo ShowCancCanc23 Mar24 Mar25 Mar19 Mar21 Mar22 Mar23 Mar24 Mar19 Mar20 Mar21 Mar
Hexham Spring (joint AGS)13 Apr1 Apr26 MarCancCanc30 Mar14 Apr1 Apr2 Apr28 Mar29 Mar13 Apr31 Mar26 Mar27 Mar28 Mar
Edinburgh & the Lothians6 Apr15 Apr9 AprCancCanc13 Apr7 Apr8 Mar9 Apr11 Apr12 Apr6 Apr14 Apr2 Apr10 Apr4 Apr
Perth20 Apr22 Apr16 AprCancCanc20 Apr21 Apr15 Apr16 Apr18 Apr19 Apr20 Apr21 Apr9 Apr17 Apr18 Apr
Highland (Nairn)No ShowNo ShowCancCancNo Show28 Apr29 Apr30 Apr25 Apr26 Apr27 Apr28 AprNo ShowNo ShowNo Show
Glasgow4 May29 Apr7 MayCancCanc4 May5 May6 May7 May2 May3 May5 May7 May1 May2 May
Aberdeen11 May13 May21 MayCancCanc18 May19 May20 May14 May16 MayNo ShowNo Show19 May21 May15 May16 May
Hexham/Ponteland (joint AGS)7 Oct8 Oct.Canc5 Oct6 Oct7 Oct8 Oct15 Oct11 Oct12 Oct
Discussion w/end (at various locations)14 Oct1 OctCancCanc13 Oct14 Oct15 Oct16 Oct3 Oct4 Oct5 Oct29 Sept23 Sept1 Oct3 Oct
Late Bulb Show (at various locations)No ShowNo ShowCancCanc21 Sep23 Sep24 Oct20 Sep

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