Our Journal “The Rock Garden”      ISSN 0265-5500

Our twice yearly journal “The Rock Garden” is one of the world's best publications for rock gardeners, and is interesting, informative and illustrated in colour.  It contains articles on all aspects of rock gardening and propagation of alpines: construction of rock gardens; plant portraits; and plants in the wild. It is written for both experts and beginners and aims to mirror the wide ranges of interests and skills of our members. 

The 126 colour pages of The Rock Garden partner the physical and online activities of the club. The journal is a mix of plant portraits and cultivation tips, events, recollections, plant-hunting expeditions, hernia-inducing movements of rock, perfect show plants, prizes, and book reviews. Its pages always aim to show the month to month activities of members. Thanks to the effort of our show secretaries and photographers, it includes accounts of plant shows at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, Highland, Hexham and other places.

Articles, or ideas for articles, are positively encouraged from anyone, whether member or non-member.  They will be welcomed by our Editor, Anton Edwards. Enquiries about Advertising in "The Rock Garden" should be made to Ms Ngaire Burston. Please contact either of them using our contact form.

Journal History
The first Journal was published in 1937 and was issued annually. No Journals were printed during the Second World War between 1939-45.  They resumed annual publication in 1948, and became bi-annual in 1951 after the Second Joint International Rock Garden Plant Conference.  In autumn 1981 the issue month was changed from April and September to January and July, so there was only an April issue in 1981, the next issue being printed in January 1982.  In 2000 the SRGC published a 270 page book "Scottish Rock Gardening in the 20th Century" to celebrate the Millennium and this replaced the January 2000 issue of the Journal.  We have only the cover in the link below, but hope to make the whole publication available by scanning the complete book in due course.

Journal Indexes Updated
The following cumulative Indexes (to every Journal since 1933) are available in Adobe pdf format.  As well as being in alphabetical order, these pdfs are also electronically searchable:
We have a NEW Full General and Botanical Index (Cumulative to Issue No 149) which can be used to find names of plants. (The old 2-part version of this index (No 1-142 and No. 142-145) is still available here if needed.)
We have a Contents Index (cumulative to Issue No 152) which lists the titles of articles published in every issue. This Index also includes the countries and mountain ranges covered by each article.
We have an Author Index (cumulative to Issue No 152) which gives a list of the name of every author and the titles of articles written by each author.
We have an Country Index (cumulative to Issue No 152) listing articles by the main country covered in the articles.
We have an Mountain Range/Area Index (cumulative to Issue No 152) which lists articles by the main mountain range covered in the articles.
These new indexes are in draft at present, and assistance with reporting errors, corrections and updates with welcomed. We are also interested to receive comments from users as to the usefulness of these extra index lists.

Journal Archive
In accordance with the SRGC policy of openness and sharing of knowledge, all of our Journals over about two years old are available for public viewing in the table below.
If you wish to see links to the 4 most recent Journals on this page, you must be a paid-up SRGC member, and also be logged in to this website.  This archive is updated continuously.

  1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s
0 No. 007 Vol.2(2) No.026 Vol.7(1)
No.027 Vol.7(2)
No.046 Vol.12(1)
No.047 Vol.12(2)
No.066 Vol.17(1)
No.067 Vol.17(2)
No.085 Vol.21(4)
No.086 Vol.22(1)
No.105 Vol.26(4)
2000 Cover
No.124 Vol.31(3)
No.125 Vol.31(4)
No.144 Vol.36(3)
No.145 Vol.36(4)
1 No. 008 Vol.2(3)
No. 009 Vol.3(1)
No.028 Vol.7(3)
No.029 Vol.7(4)
No.048 Vol.12(3)
No.048 Vol.12(4)
No.068 Vol.17(3) No.087 Vol.22(2)
No.088 Vol.22(3)
No.106 Vol.27(1)
No.107 Vol.27(2)
No.126 Vol.32(1)
No.127 Vol.32(2)
No.146 Vol.37(1)
No.147 Vol.37(2)
2 No. 010 Vol.3(2)
No. 011 Vol.3(3)
No.030 Vol.8(1)
No.031 Vol.8(2)
No.050 Vol.13(1)
No.051 Vol.13(2)
No.069 Vol.17(4)
No.070 Vol.18(1)
No.089 Vol.22(4)
No.090 Vol.23(1)
No.108 Vol.27(3)
No.109 Vol.27(4)
No.128 Vol.32(3)
No.129 Vol.32(4)
No.148 Vol.37(3)
No.149 Vol.37(4)
3 No. 012 Vol.3(4)
No. 013 Vol.3(5)
No.032 Vol.8(3)
No.033 Vol.8(4)
No.052 Vol.13(3)
No.053 Vol.13(4)
No.071 Vol.18(2)
No.072 Vol.18(3)
No.091 Vol.23(2)
No.092 Vol.23(3)
No.110 Vol.28(1)
No.111 Vol.28(2)
No.130 Vol.33(1)
No.131 Vol.33(2)
No.150 Vol.38(1)
4 No.014 Vol.4(1)
No.015 Vol.4(2)
No.034 Vol.9(1)
No.035 Vol.9(2)
No.054 Vol.14(1)
No.055 Vol.14(2)
No.073 Vol.18(4)
No.074 Vol.19(1)
No.093 Vol.23(4)
No.094 Vol.24(1)
No.112 Vol.28(3)
No.113 Vol.28(4)
No.132 Vol.33(3)
No.133 Vol.33(4)
5 No.016 Vol.4(3)
No.017 Vol.4(4)
No.036 Vol.9(3)
No.037 Vol.9(4)
No.056 Vol.14(3)
No.057 Vol.14(4)
No.075 Vol.19(2)
No.076 Vol.19(3)
No.095 Vol.24(1)
No.096 Vol.24(2)
No.114 Vol.29(1)
No.115 Vol.29(2)
No.134 Vol.34(1)
No.135 Vol.34(2)
6 Publication No. 2 No. 003 Vol.1(3) No.018 Vol.5(1)
No.019 Vol.5(2)
No.038 Vol.10(1)
No.039 Vol.10(2)
No.058 Vol.15(1)
No.059 Vol.15(2)
No.077 Vol.19(4)
No.078 Vol.20(1)
No.097 Vol.24(3)
No.098 Vol.24(4)
No.116 Vol.29(3)
No.117 Vol.29(4)
No.136 Vol.34(3)
No.137 Vol.34(4)
7 No. 001 Vol.1(1) No. 004 Vol.1(4) No.020 Vol.5(3)
No.021 Vol.5(4)
No.040 Vol.10(3)
No.041 Vol.10(4)
No.060 Vol.15(3)
No.061 Vol.15(4)
No.079 Vol.20(2)
No.080 Vol.20(3)
No.099 Vol.25(1)
No.100 Vol.25(1)
No.118 Vol.30(1)
No.119 Vol.30(2)
No.138 Vol.35(1)
No.139 Vol.35(2)
8 No. 002 Vol.1(2) No. 005 Vol.1(5) No.022 Vol.6(1)
No.023 Vol.6(2)
No.042 Vol.11(1)
No.043 Vol.11(2)
No.062 Vol.16(1)
No.063 Vol.16(2)
No.081 Vol.2(04)
No.082 Vol.21(1)
No.101 Vol.25(4)
No.102 Vol.26(1)
No.120 Vol.30(3)
No.121 Vol.30(4)
No.140 Vol.35(3)
No.141 Vol.35(4)
9 No. 006 Vol.2(1) No.024 Vol.6(3)
No.025 Vol.6(4)
No.044 Vol.11(3)
No.045 Vol.11(4)
No.064 Vol.16(3)
No.065 Vol.16(4)
No.083 Vol.21(2)
No.084 Vol.21(3)
No.103 Vol.26(2)
No.104 Vol.26(3)
No.122 Vol.31(1)
No.123 Vol.31(2)
No.143 Vol.36(2)
No.142 Vol.36(1)
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Scottish Charity No. SC000942