Ian Young's Bulb Log Diary      ISSN 2514-6114

I started the Bulb Log in January 2003 as a one year project, with no idea of how popular it would become. The Bulb Log is a fully illustrated garden diary covering all aspects of the bulbs and many other plants we grow, both under glass and in the open garden, giving details of the growing conditions and methods we have developed through the years as well as showing many of the other garden projects.

The end of 2022 brings a close to my twentieth year of writing the Bulb Log every single week and as previously hinted, I am going to be cutting back. I am not going to stop the Bulb Log completely but will write one Log a month for the coming year.

There is a back catalogue of one thousand and forty editions of the Bulb Log available where you can follow how it evolved from around four pages and ten pictures in the early editions to thirty or forty pictures spread over twenty plus pages in more recent years.

If you read back you will also find how the subjects have changed starting from the early years when I concentrated on the growing methods we used for the bulbs in pots to the wider ranging garden and nature subjects I now cover. When dipping back through previous years I am often surprised to be reminded of some of the pictures, subjects and what I wrote.

The first six years of logs were originally written in the html webpage format. These older bulb log pages have been converted to pdf, in the second table, and the original html versions are still available at the bottom of the page.  The earlier pages provide another six years of week by week experience and information available for you to browse.

As from 2009 (which is year 7 of the logs) we moved over to the Adobe Acrobat pdf format. This has many advantages, giving me more scope to play about with the layout and also allowing you to save the file to your PC to view off-line or even to print it out as I know some of you prefer. 

Please view an entry by clicking the date in one of the tables below. 

In March 2015 I started recording the garden on video with over 100 Bulb Log Video Diaries available to view on my YouTube channel with links from the Forum.

You can find further discussion on points arising from comments in the Bulb Log on our Web Forum, and this can be found by clicking HERE 

We have a comprehensive Index to the Bulb Log started by Len Rhind, from Canada, then taken on by Kelly Jones in USA, before Tristan Hatton-Ellis in Wales revised and extended it as well as keeping it updated – my grateful thanks to them all. This index lists subjects such as "Air Pots" and "Books" as well as plant names.  It is well worth a browse by clicking HERE.

Ian's comprehensive manual to cultivation of Erythroniums in pdf format can be read online and downloaded HERE.

Happy growing!  Ian Young

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the logs. Download it free HERE

If you enjoy the Bulb Log, then please consider making a donation to the SRGC. You don't need a Paypal account to donate via Paypal - just pick the "Donate with a card" option!

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Current Bulb Logs

Here are links to the Logs.  As from 2023 they are published monthly, and shown in a separate table at the top.  
Below these, you will find weekly Logs for every month of the last 20 years as pdf files.
Log 2023 2024 2025
1 18/01/23 17/01/24 15/01/25
2 15/02/23 14/02/24 19/02/25
3 15/03/23 13/03/24 12/03/25
4 12/04/23 17/04/24
5 17/05/23 15/05/24
6 14/06/23 12/06/24
7 12/07/23 17/07/24
8 16/08/23 14/08/24
9 13/09/23 11/09/24
10 18/10/23 16/10/24
11 15/11/23 13/11/24
12 20/12/23 18/12/24
Log 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 02/01/13 01/01/14 07/01/15 06/01/16 04/01/17 03/01/18 02/01/19 01/01/20 06/01/21 05/01/22
2 09/01/13 08/01/14 14/01/15 13/01/16 11/01/17 10/01/18 09/01/19 08/01/20 13/01/21 12/01/22
3 16/01/13 15/01/14 21/01/15 20/01/16 18/01/17 17/01/18 16/01/19 15/01/20 20/01/21 19/01/22
4 23/01/13 22/01/14 28/01/15 27/01/16 25/01/17 24/01/18 23/01/19 22/01/20 27/01/21 26/01/22
5 30/01/13 29/01/14 04/02/15 03/02/16 01/02/17 31/01/18 30/01/19 29/01/20 03/02/21 02/02/22
6 06/02/13 05/02/14 11/02/15 10/02/16 08/02/17 07/02/18 06/02/19 05/02/20 10/02/21 09/02/22
7 13/02/13 12/02/14 18/02/15 17/02/16 15/02/17 14/02/18 13/02/19 12/02/20 17/02/21 16/02/22
8 20/02/13 19/02/14 25/02/15 24/02/16 22/02/17 21/02/18 20/02/19 19/02/20 24/02/21 23/02/22
9 27/02/13 26/02/14 04/03/15 02/03/16 01/03/17 28/02/18 27/02/19 26/02/20 03/03/21 02/03/22
10 06/03/13 05/03/14 11/03/15 09/03/16 08/03/17 07/03/18 06/03/19 04/03/20 10/03/21 09/03/22
11 13/03/13 12/03/14 18/03/15 16/03/16 15/03/17 14/03/18 13/03/19 11/03/20 17/03/21 16/03/22
12 20/03/13 19/03/14 25/03/15 23/03/16 22/03/17 21/03/18 20/03/19 18/03/20 24/03/21 23/03/22
13 27/03/13 26/03/14 01/04/15 30/03/16 29/03/17 28/03/18 27/03/19 25/03/20 31/03/21 30/03/22
14 03/04/13 02/04/14 08/04/15 06/04/16 05/04/17 04/04/18 03/04/19 01/04/20 07/04/21 06/04/22
15 10/04/13 09/04/14 15/04/15 13/04/16 12/04/17 11/04/18 10/04/19 08/04/20 14/04/21 13/04/22
16 17/04/13 16/04/14 22/04/15 20/04/16 19/04017 18/04/18 17/04/19 15/04/20 21/04/21 20/04/22
17 24/04/13 23/04/14 29/04/15 27/04/16 26/04/17 25/04/18 24/04/19 22/04/20 28/04/21 27/04/22
18 01/05/13 30/04/14 06/05/15 04/05/16 03/05/17 02/05/18 01/05/19 29/04/20 05/05/21 04/05/22
19 08/05/13 07/05/14 13/05/15 11/05/16 10/05/17 09/05/18 08/05/19 06/05/20 12/05/21 11/05/22
20 15/05/13 14/05/14 20/05/15 18/05/16 17/05/17 16/05/18 15/05/19 13/05/20 19/05/21 18/05/22
21 22/05/13 21/05/14 27/05/15 25/05/16 24/05/17 23/05/18 22/05/19 20/05/20 26/05/21 25/05/22
22 29/05/13 28/05/14 03/06/15 01/06/16 31/05/17 30/05/18 29/05/19 27/05/20 02/06/21 01/06/22
23 05/06/13 04/06/14 10/06/15 08/06/16 07/06/17 06/06/18 05/06/19 03/06/20 09/06/21 08/06/22
24 12/06/13 11/06/14 17/06/15 15/06/16 14/06/17 13/06/18 12/06/19 10/06/20 16/06/21 15/06/22
25 19/06/13 18/06/14 24/06/15 22/06/16 21/06/17 20/06/18 19/06/19 17/06/20 23/06/21 22/06/22
26 26/06/13 25/06/14 01/07/15 29/06/16 28/06/17 27/06/18 26/06/19 24/06/20 30/06/21 29/06/22
27 03/07/13 02/07/14 08/07/15 06/07/16 05/07/17 04/07/18 03/07/19 01/07/20 07/07/21 06/07/22
28 10/07/13 09/07/14 15/07/15 13/07/16 12/07/17 11/07/18 10/07/19 08/07/20 14/07/21 13/07/22
29 17/07/13 16/07/14 22/07/15 20/07/16 19/07/17 18/07/18 17/07/19 15/07/20 21/07/21 20/07/22
30 24/07/13 23/07/14 29/07/15 27/07/16 26/07/17 25/07/18 24/07/19 22/07/20 28/07//21 27/07/22
31 31/07/13 30/07/14 05/08/15 03/08/16 02/08/17 01/08/18 31/07/19 29/07/20 04/08/21 03/08/22
32 07/08/13 06/08/14 12/08/15 10/08/16 09/08/17 08/08/18 07/08/19 05/08/20 11/08/21 10/08/22
33 14/08/13 13/08/14 19/08/15 17/08/16 16/08/17 15/08/18 14/08/19 12/08/20 18/08/21 17/08/22
34 21/08/13 20/08/14 26/08/15 24/08/16 23/08/17 22/08/18 21/08/19 19/08/20 25/08/21 24/08/22
35 28/08/13 27/08/14 02/09/15 31/08/16 30/08/17 29/08/18 28/08/19 26/08/20 01/09/21 31/08/22
36 04/09/13 03/09/14 09/09/15 07/09/16 06/09/17 05/09/18 04/09/19 02/09/20 08/09/21 07/09/22
37 11/09/13 10/09/14 16/09/15 14/09/16 13/09/17 12/09/18 11/09/19 09/09/20 15/09/21 14/09/22
38 18/09/13 17/09/14 23/09/15 21/09/16 20/09/17 19/09/18 18/09/19 16/09/20 22/09/21 21/09/22
39 25/09/13 24/09/14 30/09/15 28/09/16 27/09/17 26/09/18 25/09/19 23/09/20 29/09/21 28/09/22
40 02/10/13 01/10/14 07/10/15 05/10/16 04/10/17 03/10/18 02/10/19 30/09/20 06/10/21 05/10/22
41 09/10/13 08/10/14 14/10/15 12/10/16 11/10/17 10/10/18 09/10/19 07/10/20 13/10/21 12/10/22
42 16/10/13 15/10/14 21/10/15 19/10/16 18/10/17 17/10/18 16/10/19 14/10/20 20/10/21 19/10/22
43 23/10/13 22/10/14 28/10/15 26/10/16 25/10/17 24/10/18 23/10/19 21/10/20 27/10/21 26/10/22
44 30/10/13 29/10/14 04/11/15 02/11/16 01/11/17 31/10/18 30/10/19 28/10/20 03/11/21 02/11/22
45 06/11/13 05/11/14 11/11/15 09/11/16 08/11/17 07/11/18 06/11/19 04/11/20 10/11/21 09/11/22
46 13/11/13 12/11/14 18/11/15 16/11/16 15/11/17 14/11/18 13/11/19 11/11/20 17/11/21 16/11/22
47 20/11/13 19/11/14 25/11/15 23/11/16 22/11/17 21/11/18 20/11/19 18/11/20 24/11/21 23/11/22
48 27/11/13 26/11/14 02/12/15 30/11/16 29/11/17 28/11/18 27/11/19 25/11/20 01/12/21 30/11/22
49 04/12/13 03/12/14 09/12/15 07/12/16 06/12/17 05/12/18 04/12/19 02/12/20 08/12/21 07/12/22
50 11/12/13 10/12/14 16/12/15 14/12/16 13/12/17 12/12/18 11/12/19 09/12/20 15/12/21 14/12/22
51 18/12/13 17/12/14 23/12/15 21/12/16 20/12/17 19/12/18 18/12/19 16/12/20 22/12/21 21/12/22
52 25/12/13 24/12/14 30/12/15 28/12/16 27/12/17 26/12/18 25/12/19 23/12/20 29/12/21 28/12/22
Log 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 02/01/03 01/01/04 05/01/05 04/01/06 03/01/07 02/01/08 03/01/09 06/01/10 05/01/11 04/01/12
2 09/01/03 08/01/04 12/01/05 11/01/06 10/01/07 09/01/08 14/01/09 13/01/10 12/01/11 11/01/12
3 16/01/03 15/01/04 19/01/05 18/01/06 17/01/07 16/01/08 21/01/09 20/01/10 19/01/11 18/01/12
4 23/01/03 22/01/04 26/01/05 25/01/06 24/01/07 23/01/08 28/01/09 27/01/10 26/01/11 25/01/12
5 30/01/03 29/01/04 02/02/05 01/02/06 31/01/07 30/01/08 04/02/09 03/02/10 02/02/11 01/02/12
6 06/02/03 05/02/04 09/02/05 08/02/06 07/02/07 06/02/08 11/02/09 10/02/10 09/02/11 08/02/12
7 13/02/03 12/02/04 16/02/05 15/02/06 14/02/07 13/02/08 18/02/09 17/02/10 16/02/11 15/02/12
8 20/02/03 19/02/04 23/02/05 22/02/06 21/02/07 20/02/08 25/02/09 24/02/10 23/02/11 22/02/12
9 27/02/03 26/02/04 02/03/05 01/03/06 28/02/07 27/02/08 04/03/09 03/03/10 02/03/11 29/02/12
10 06/03/03 04/03/04 09/03/05 08/03/06 07/03/07 05/03/08 11/03/09 10/03/10 09/03/11 07/03/12
11 13/03/03 11/03/04 16/03/05 15/03/06 14/03/07 12/03/08 18/03/09 17/03/10 16/03/11 14/03/12
12 20/03/03 18/03/04 23/03/05 22/03/06 21/03/07 19/03/08 25/03/09 24/03/10 23/03/11 21/03/12
13 27/03/03 25/03/04 30/03/05 29/03/06 28/03/07 26/03/08 01/04/09 31/03/10 30/03/11 28/03/12
14 03/04/03 01/04/04 06/04/05 05/04/06 04/04/07 02/04/08 08/04/09 07/04/10 06/04/11 04/04/12
15 10/04/03 08/04/04 13/04/05 12/04/06 11/04/07 09/04/08 15/04/09 14/04/10 13/04/11 11/04/12
16 17/04/03 15/04/04 20/04/05 19/04/06 18/04/07 16/04/08 22/04/09 21/04/10 20/04/11 18/04/12
17 24/04/03 22/04/04 27/04/05 26/04/06 25/04/07 23/04/08 29/04/09 28/04/10 27/04/11 25/04/12
18 01/05/03 29/04/04 04/05/05 03/05/06 02/05/07 30/04/08 06/05/09 05/05/10 04/05/11 02/05/12
19 08/05/03 06/05/04 11/05/05 10/05/06 09/05/07 07/05/08 13/05/09 12/05/10 11/05/11 09/05/12
20 15/05/03 13/05/04 18/05/05 17/05/06 16/05/07 14/05/08 20/05/09 19/05/10 18/05/11 16/05/12
21 22/05/03 20/05/04 25/05/05 24/05/06 23/05/07 21/05/08 27/05/09 26/05/10 25/05/11 23/05/12
22 29/05/03 27/05/04 01/06/05 31/05/06 30/05/07 28/05/08 03/06/09 02/06/10 01/06/11 30/05/12
23 05/06/03 03/06/04 08/06/05 07/06/06 06/06/07 04/06/08 10/06/09 09/06/10 08/06/11 06/06/12
24 12/06/03 10/06/04 15/06/05 14/06/06 13/06/07 11/06/08 17/06/09 16/06/10 15/06/11 13/06/12
25 19/06/03 17/06/04 22/06/05 21/06/06 20/06/07 18/06/08 24/06/09 23/06/10 22/06/11 20/06/12
26 26/06/03 24/06/04 29/06/05 28/06/06 27/06/07 25/06/08 01/07/09 30/06/10 29/06/11 27/06/12
27 03/07/03 01/07/04 06/07/05 05/07/06 04/07/07 02/07/08 08/07/09 07/07/10 06/07/11 04/07/12
28 10/07/03 08/07/04 13/07/05 12/07/06 11/07/07 09/07/08 15/07/09 14/07/10 13/07/11 11/07/12
29 17/07/03 15/07/04 20/07/05 19/07/06 18/07/07 16/07/08 22/07/09 21/07/10 20/07/11 18/07/12
30 24/07/03 22/07/04 27/07/05 26/07/06 25/07/07 23/07/08 29/07/09 28/07/10 27/07/11 25/07/12
31 31/07/03 29/07/04 03/08/05 02/08/06 01/08/07 30/07/08 05/08/09 04/08/10 03/08/11 01/08/12
32 07/08/03 05/08/04 10/08/05 09/08/06 08/08/07 06/08/08 12/08/09 11/08/10 10/08/11 08/08/12
33 14/08/03 12/08/04 17/08/05 16/08/06 15/08/07 13/08/08 19/08/09 18/08/10 17/08/11 15/08/12
34 21/08/03 19/08/04 24/08/05 23/08/06 22/08/07 20/08/08 26/08/09 25/08/10 24/08/11 22/08/12
35 28/08/03 26/08/04 31/08/05 30/08/06 29/08/07 27/08/08 02/09/09 01/09/10 31/08/11 29/08/12
36 04/09/03 02/09/04 07/09/05 06/09/06 05/09/07 03/09/08 09/09/09 08/09/10 07/09/11 05/09/12
37 11/09/03 09/09/04 14/09/05 13/09/06 12/09/07 10/09/08 16/09/09 15/09/10 14/09/11 12/09/12
38 18/09/03 16/09/04 21/09/05 20/09/06 19/09/07 17/09/08 23/09/09 22/09/10 21/09/11 19/09/12
39 25/09/03 23/09/04 28/09/05 27/09/06 26/09/07 24/09/08 30/09/09 29/09/10 28/09/11 26/09/12
40 02/10/03 30/09/04 05/10/05 04/10/06 03/10/07 01/10/08 07/10/09 06/10/10 05/10/11 03/10/12
41 09/10/03 07/10/04 12/10/05 11/10/06 10/10/07 08/10/08 14/10/09 13/10/10 12/10/11 10/10/12
42 16/10/03 14/10/04 19/10/05 18/10/06 17/10/07 15/10/08 21/10/09 20/10/10 19/10/11 17/10/12
43 23/10/03 21/10/04 26/10/05 25/10/06 24/10/07 22/10/08 28/10/09 27/10/10 26/10/11 24/10/12
44 30/10/03 28/10/04 02/11/05 01/11/06 31/10/07 29/10/08 04/11/09 03/11/10 02/11/11 31/10/12
45 06/11/03 04/11/04 09/11/05 08/11/06 07/11/07 05/11/08 11/11/09 10/11/10 09/11/11 07/11/12
46 13/11/03 11/11/04 16/11/05 15/11/06 14/11/07 12/11/08 18/11/09 17/11/10 16/11/11 14/11/12
47 20/11/03 18/11/04 23/11/05 22/11/06 21/11/07 19/11/08 25/11/09 24/11/10 23/11/11 21/11/12
48 27/11/03 25/11/04 30/11/05 29/11/06 28/11/07 26/11/08 02/12/09 01/12/10 30/11/11 28/11/12
49 04/12/03 02/12/04 07/12/05 06/12/06 05/12/07 03/12/08 09/12/09 08/12/10 07/12/11 05/12/12
50 11/12/03 09/12/04 14/12/05 13/12/06 12/12/07 10/12/08 16/12/09 15/12/10 14/12/11 12/12/12
51 18/12/03 16/12/04 21/12/05 20/12/06 19/12/07 17/12/08 23/12/09 22/12/10 21/12/11 19/12/12
52 25/12/03 23/12/04 28/12/05 27/12/06 26/12/07 24/12/08 30/12/09 29/12/10 28/12/11 26/12/12
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