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2022 Autumn Festival and AGM
Saturday 12th November 2022 at 10am (GMT)
Burnside Hall (Old Scone Church Hall), Burnside, Scone, PH2 6LP

Following two years of virtual AGMs held on Zoom, this year we return to an ‘in person’ meeting where we complement the AGM with two interesting talks and an opportunity to catch up and socialise over lunch. Please check this page for further details closer to the time and check for any late changes.

It may be possible to Zoom this meeting (or parts of it) if there is sufficient demand.  Please contact Richard Green, our Treasurer on  if you are interested in this option.

Location: Burnside Hall (Old Scone Church Hall), Burnside, Scone, PH2 6LP.

Directions: take the A94 Perth/Coupar Angus road from Perth. The hall is near the David Douglas Memorial, which is well signposted. As you approach Scone take the first left turn into Cross Street, and then an immediate sharp left into Burnside, which takes you to the hall. There is ample parking. The number 7 bus runs from Perth to Scone.

Schedule for the Day
When you arrive – tea, coffee, and cakes.
11.00 Talk: "Crimes behind the compost heap, the shocking truth about life, and death, in your garden" with Stan da Prato.
12.00 Lunch – tea, coffee, and a glass of wine will be provided; bring your own lunch (apart from the cake).
13.00 Our Annual General Meeting. Reports of activities, presentation of awards, election of Council members.
14.00 The Clark Memorial Lecture: "Evolution of a rock garden: a geologist's tale" with David Milllward.  
15.00 More food, tea and coffee, and time to socialise before departing for home.

Questions to the Secretary; Hannah Wilson, or phone: 07545 871304.

Relevant documents are available (in pdf format) here:
Minutes of the previous AGM - available in the January 2022 Yearbook
Summary Accounts - are available on this link.
Council Nominations - more are required, so not listed.  Please volunteer!

Paper copies of the above can be obtained on request from the Secretary by any member without internet access.

Voting only takes place at the AGM. Any competent business, or questions on the accounts can be notified to the Secretary by 12 noon GMT on the day before the meeting, for answer at the AGM by the appropriate official.

AGM Agenda
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the AGM held online on Saturday 6th February 2022.
3. Matters arising.
4. President’s review.
5. Presentation of honours and awards.
6. Proposed change to the Club constitution.
7. Accounts: presentation and adoption of the accounts for the year ending 30th June 2022; appointment of Independent Examiner of Accounts.
8. Elections and appointments: office-bearers; ordinary members to serve on council; approval of other office bearers; approval of members of the Joint Rock Garden Plant Committee
9. Date and place of the Annual General Meeting in 2023
10. Any other competent business

Other attractions:
• the second photographic/art competition of the year
• a non-competitive display of plants
• a members' 50/50 plant sale

Nominations are invited for membership of the council of the SRGC.
• Nominations must be in writing from the proposer ─ on paper or by email.
• Each nomination must state the names of one or more seconders.
• Each nomination must state that the candidate has agreed to stand for election.

The Secretary, Treasurer, Subscription Secretary, Web Manager, Publicity Manager and Editor retire annually, but are eligible for re-election. Nominations are required as described above. Ordinary members of council serve for three years; four are elected each year.

Contact the Secretary (details are near the top of this page).