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2021 Annual General Meeting (online)
Saturday 6th November 2021 at 10am (GMT)

This meeting took place online using Zoom in view of the difficulties and risks regarding physical meetings.  The meeting opened about 20 minutes early to allow catchup and chat.

Questions to the Secretary; Hannah WILSON, 07545 871304 .

Relevant documents are available here:
Council Nominations - more are required, so not listed.  Please volunteer!

Paper copies of the above can be obtained on request from the Secretary by any member without internet access.

Voting will take place at the AGM, using a show of hands, or using the zoom “polling“ feature.

Questions will not necessarily be taken at the AGM itself as this is difficult. Any competent business, or questions on the accounts can be notified to the Secretary by 12 noon GMT on the day before the meeting, and these will be answered at the online AGM by the appropriate official.

AGM Agenda

1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held online on Saturday 20th February 2021
3. Matters arising
4. President’s review
5. Presentation of honours and awards
6. Proposed change to the Club constitution
7. Accounts: presentation and adoption of the accounts for the year ending
30th June 2021; appointment of examiner of accounts
8. Elections and appointments: office-bearers; ordinary members to serve on
council; approval of other office bearers; approval of members of the Joint
Rock Garden Plant Committee
9. Date and place of the Annual General Meeting in 2022
10. Any other competent business

See photos on our Web Forum here.