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Early Bulb Display
Saturday 25 February 2023 (10am - 4pm)
Victoria Hall, Dunblane

This event returns as an in-person meeting with talks, a plant display, and Plant Nurseries selling a variety of plants in the Victoria Hall, Stirling Road, Dunblane FK15 9EX.  


9am-10am GMT Open for exhibitors' staging of plants.

"Tasmanian Plants" with Colin Crosbie.  
From tiny terrestrial orchids to the world's tallest flowering plant.  Colin will give a brief overview of some of the incredible plants encountered on his recent trip to Australia.

"Crevice gardens - a home for dwarf bulbs" with Ian & Carole Bainbridge.  
Ian and Carole will present the ways and means of crevice garden construction and discuss some of the dwarf bulbs which thrive in them.

12.30pm - Break for coffee, or lunch, and chat. 
Please bring your own picnic. Teas, coffees and some cake should will be available for purchase.

"Central Asian Tulips" with Frazer Henderson.  
A short review of the distribution, diversity and history of the genus in the region together with a consideration of current and potential threats to species' survival. 

"Bulbs and orchids of central & southern Chile" with David Millward.  
Though many Chilean plants adorn our gardens, the bulbous and orchid floras are less well known.  Dave introduces a selection of these often robust and colourful plants. 

Please bring as many pans of dwarf bulbs and early flowering alpine plants as possible.  Space will be available for cut flowers of plants which members do not want to disturb in the garden.  Please bring your own vases for cut flowers.

Plants will be grouped according to genera during staging between 9am and 10am.  The rule of one pan per class per member will be waived.  No points will be awarded.

Members may also stage small displays comprising several exhibits to show variation in species etc.  Every contribution increases the value of the display for others. 

Plants and bulbs can be purchsed from the following:
Jacques Armand
Kevock Garden Plants
Jonathan Harris Snowdrops
Members 50:50 Plant Stall.  
Please bring your spare plants and seedlings for sale for Bulb Group Funds.

The Joint Rock Committee is due to meet at 12noon, or after the second talk. Members are encouraged to submit plants for consideration, and these are welcome. Please contact Carole Bainbridge in advance or on the day.

This event is run by the Bulb Group.  Please help us by bringing plants for the 50:50 Members Stall, volunteer to help behind the plant stall, serving teas/coffees, and general tidying.  Contact Sandy Leven on 01786 824064.