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Early Bulb Day - Online
Saturday 19 February 2022
Online via Zoom 

This online FREE event is replaces our annual SRGC Early Bulb Display which usually takes place in the Victoria Hall in Dunblane, Sirlingshire.  We much regret that this has been cancelled as a result of the Covid pandemic.  The new online event consists of two online lectures.


10.30am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) Virtual doors open for attendees.

11am GMT  
"Bulbs Later in the Year" with Sandy Leven. 
Sandy is well known to SRGC members and is a past president of the SRGC.  He has organised our Early Bulb Days for many years.  In this illustrated lecture he speaks to us about the bulbs which he grows and which he has enjoyed and shown later in the year.

12 noon GMT - Break for coffee, or lunch, or chat. 

12.30pm GMT
"The Woodland Garden Throughout the Year" with Colin Crosbie.
Colin is the new President of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, he was formerly in charge of RHS Garden Wisley, and is now a horticultural consultant and tour leader.  He lives in Dumfriesshire in South West Scotland, and tends a woodland garden. 

There will be time for questions after each talk, and a comfort break in the middle with time to chat before the next talk.

The event is FREE and open to everyone.  You do NOT have to be an SRGC member to attend.

[No Zoom details are shown as this event has ended.]

Sandy Leven                                              Colin Crosbie

The Woodland Garden in Autumn